On the 15th of March, the first Agency at Night event took place, where Rotterdam’s digital and creative agencies opened their doors for an exclusive evening. As part of IN10 Rotterdam, I was invited to showcase my work.
During the event I presented my concept of personalised fine art prints generated by algorithms. Using personal inputs from my colleagues, I created several prints and displayed them on the walls.
Showcasing & discussing work @ Agency at Night
I also set up a website where attendees could interact with the algorithm ‘Buizen,’ by inputting their personal inputs and seeing the generated outputs.
To add an element of excitement, I organised a contest where participants could win a personalised fine art print generated by one of my algorithms. People enthusiastically left post-it notes with their personal inputs for consideration.
Submitted post its with personal inputs
The night was fun, with plenty of laughter and interesting chats. It did make me realise, though, that I need to do a better job explaining what generative art is and what my personalised print concept is about. Some folks seemed to think it was all done by AI! Time to work on my pitch, I suppose.
On to the next one!