ITR.01 / Genuary 01: Vertical lines
Prompt: Vertical or horizontal lines only

This page features my creations for Genuary 2025, a month-long event where generative artists and creative coders make something every day based on a daily prompt. This is my first time participating, and I’m aiming to complete all 31 prompts. For each piece, I keep my effort within an hour and stick to a predefined color palette and aspect ratio to keep things focused.
View processPrompt: Vertical or horizontal lines only
Prompt: Layers upon layers upon layers
Prompt: Exactly 42 lines of (javascript) code.
Prompt: Black on black.
Prompt: Isometric Art - (No vanishing points).
'Prompt: Make a landscape using only primitive shapes.' Tried to create some glowing hills with TRIANGLE_STRIPS with a simple circle as a 'sun', resulting in a 'Primitive Landscape'.
"Prompt: Use software that is not intended to create art or images." I populated random numbers in a Google spreadsheet, added conditional formatting and created the composition by resizing cells and rows.
"Prompt: Draw one million of something." Exactly one million ellipses/arcs are being drawn to the canvas in different colors and transparancy values.
"Prompt: The textile design patterns of public transport seating." Not so inspired the interiors per se but inspired by public transport maps.
"Prompt: You can only use TAU in your code, no other number allowed." Well I guess if you write TAU as a string and subdivide it into individual numbers you can pretty much use all numbers 😉. Therefore I interpreted this prompt as giving an ode to TAU or TWO_PI by creating a circular composition consisting of subdivided rings where the subdivisions add up to TAU or TWO_PI.
"Prompt: Impossible day - Try to do something that feels impossible for you to do." Not really impossible but for this day I decided to dive into Matter.js so I can make use of physics within my generative compositions.
"Prompt: Subdivision."
"Prompt: Triangles and nothing else."
"Prompt: Pure black and white. No gray." Tried to create my own halftone effect.
"Prompt: Design a rug." Apparently, I have no idea how to design a rug. These rugs are all broken 😅
"Prompt: Generative palette." Instead of generating a color palette I used noise to populate grid cells and then merged neighbours with the same colours together.
"Prompt: What happens if pi=4?" In this case PI=4 doesn't have that much impact I'd say 😅. Wanted to do something differently initially but ran into some issues / bugs that would take too much time for this challenge.
"Prompt: What does wind look like?" Lines are drawn based on various easing types/curves, isn't the wind just like that?
"Prompt: Op Art" I kept pushing the 'save' button with this one. Fun thing to do! Started of by creating quads wherin a checkermark pattern is calculated. Then I deformed several quads to create these renders.
"Prompt: Generative Architecture." Inspired by 'De Rotterdam' I created a system where blocks/floors where laid on top of each other with various offsets.
"Prompt: Create a collision detection system (no libraries allowed)." Luckily I had already created such a system 😎.
"Prompt: Gradients only."
"Prompt: Inspired by brutalism." First time doing something with two point perspective.
"Prompt: Geometric art - pick either a circle, rectangle, or triangle and use only that geometric shape."
"Prompt: One line that may or may not intersect itself." It reflects within the boundary but never crosses it. Spent more time than the intended hour on this one—fixing bugs of my own making, of course.
"Prompt: Symmetry." Quick triangle symmetry combined with some subdivisions.
"Prompt: Make something interesting with no randomness or noise or trig." Well this was certainly an interesting challenge since random, noise() and trigonometry is at all times part of my works. I didn't had a clue what to do so asked ChatGPT and he/she/it sent me into the direction of Cellular Automata and rulesets and that's what these works are driven by.
"Prompt: Infinite Scroll." It's been a while doing (looping) animations. Took a bit longer than an hour to come up with a system to get this loop.
"Prompt: Grid-based graphic design."I created some kind of 'rectangular' random walker, will experiment with this piece of code in the future.
"Prompt: Abstract map." Used my currently work in progress 'pulley' system where lines intertwine and connect as if they are being drawn around circular 'pulleys'.
"Prompt: Pixel-sorting."
For collaborations, custom requests, or general inquiries please feel free to reach out via: or one of my socials.